The mental health monologues
In September 2019, I had the opportunity to present an original work of theatre that I created based on a series of interviews with individuals who have had experience with mental illness and mental health-related topics. Originally envisioned as part of my legacy project for a leadership organization, this project has been the most meaningful endeavor I have undertaken to date.
In creating this project, I hoped to foster empathy on the topics of mental health and mental illness by creating a monologue-based play that showcases the real stories of individuals in our community. I essentially created the play by holding one-on-one interviews, transcribing the interviews, and editing them for length, clarity, grammar, and organization. After writing the show, I hosted auditions in August, selected a cast, and buckled down to get the show performance-ready in a short, two-week rehearsal process. See below for production photos, the program, and the performance video. Read press about the show from TCU 360 at this link. All rights reserved, this production may not be replicated without permission.
Addison: Olivia Cartwright Sandra: Portia Durant
Israel: Andrew Nicolas Christie: Libby Smith
Amy: Rebecca Carroll Haille: Marielle Wyatt
Meron: Arielle Roberts Robin: Alicia Nolley
Fred: Keaton Brandt
Stage Manager: Collin Pittmann Assistant Director: Rachel Nicole Poole